Thursday 25 June 2009

Greeting From The U.S.A

Hey there.

So I'm in America now and it's really awesome! (Also why did no-one tell me it would be soo friggin hot?!) So this means I managed to survive the 9 hour flight lol. It didnt seem too long cause I slept for a bit of it and then watched movies for the rest. I watched Milk and Watchmen and enjoyed them alot even thought Watchmen kinda confused me a bit. I geuss I had to be a fan of the graphic novel to understand most of it but I doubt it would've helped lol The fight scenes were really good thought so thats a plus. Milk was a really good film too, really emotionally moving and touching. It was really good at showing the hatred that was in the world only a few decades ago and how horrible and full of shit some people can be. There was one scene that was seriously heart breaking, A teenage boy calls Harvey Milk to say he saw him in the paper and that his parents are sending him away to get "fixed". Milk tells him that there is nothing wrong with him and he has to leave his home but then the camera pans down and you see the boy is in a wheelchair. It was honestly one of the saddest scenes i'd ever seen.

Anyway moving on from the depressingness. Our first day here was nice, we had breakfast at Denny's then went to Wallmart where I got The Veronicas album (which I've been playing non stop) And the other days we've just been getting used to the area and stuff. We found a few shopping malls and one has a Hot Topic so I can get a New Moon t-shirt! Woop! There's also a Kohl's store near that so I can get a hoodie from Avril Lavigne's clothing line Abbey Dawn. (I'm not obsessed i swear).

We went to a lovely place called "fisherman's villiage" today. It was very pirate themed, Shona would be proud. And then we went to the beach and swam, the water was sooo warm and the waves were kickass. =) It's really warm here and i'm not just compairing that to Scotland cause I've been to the south of France before and it's pretty damn hot there but the heat here is something else. But I rained for a bit today and yesterday and on tuesday night there was a thunder storm!! Before i looked out of the window i thought the light outside was car headlights. hehe.

Anway I should be making a little update vlog while I'm here so check my youtube soonish.

Off to bed for me. Even though you'll be getting up soon cause you're five hours ahead. (depending on who's reading this) Bye.

You Know You Love Me xoxo

Thursday 18 June 2009

Try Not To Miss Me

Hey folks.....did I just say folks? (someone please shoot me for that later).

Anyway. Hi and shizz.

So it's ten past one in the morning so that technically means it's friday which means....I'M GOING TO AMERICA TOMORROW!! ZOMGWTFBBQ!!

It may not seem that exciting but I've never been before and I'm really super excited about it!! Just getting there is the problem thought cause if you know me you'll know i'm one of the most impatient people ever! No. Seriously I hate just waiting for the bus so imagine what i'm going to be like for a 2 hour flight to London, then I have to wait about the airport for four hours and then a nine hour flight to the states! So wish me luck lol.

But I went out and got some new books to read since I finished the Twilight Saga. I got The Tenth Circle and The Pact both by Jodi Picoult and I still have a Buffy "Tales of the Slayers" book to read which I got about 6 years ago! (Don't judge me) hehe. Luckily there's a few good films on the flight like Watchmen and Milk so that'll be good.

So it's two weeks of sun and fun (didn't i say that aswell? Jebus!) for me but I'll be taking my laptop so I can keep in contact with you lovely people. I'll probs post some picz on the blog aswell just cause I'm such a swell person hehe.

BTW Does anyone watch True Blood? It's like Twilight only 100 times better I just spent the past 3 days watching the first season and it's sooo aweessoommee I think you should watch it!

Anyway I'm rambling so I should go get some sleep now. But I'll be back soon guys.

Bye for now. You Know You Love Me XOXO

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Well Hello

Hey there.

The names Jamie but you might know me as thevblog on youtube.
Just thought I'd start this so you can know what I'm up to when I'm not vlogging :)

So where to start? Well the week hasn't exactly been good from the start cause on Monday my class was being told if we would be getting into the HNC acting class....and I didn't!!
I'm soo majorly pissed! I worked sooo hard but apparently I haven't "developed enough as an actor". How do they expect me to develop as an actor if the parts i'm given are small and far too similar! They even said that people getting into HNC would be judged on their attendance and coursework and my coursework was perfect and so was my attendance.

It's really upset me and there is no way I'm going out without a fight. I deserve a place after all the hard work I've done over the year. I'm going to try and convince them to reconsider.

On the plus side I'm going to America in less than two weeks for the first time :D Sooo excited!!
Anyway that's all for now. check back soon.

You Know You Love Me