Friday 10 July 2009

Opposite Viewpoint On The Elite.

As you all probably know (and if you don't, please come out from under the rock.) most of the time youtube cannot be discussed without the topic of the Elite coming up. Now I'm not blacklisting anyone or going: "oh he's soo elite! So is she! bla bla bla" Personaly I do believe that there is an Elite and they themselves know that they are. Obviously it's not fair to just judge people as "Elite" After all they are still people just like you and me but some of the reasons are considered Elite are crap to be honest.

The main reason I'm talking about is the youtubers in the Elite that are very good friends. How is this a crime? It's sooo amazingly easy to make brillaint friends on youtube and before you know it they are your best friends IRL. I know I'm close friends with a select few tubers and love them with all my heart, we hang out together as FRIENDS not YOUTUBERS so how should that be a problem? If people in the Elite want to hang out together then let them, they could be great friends. But if they start to associate it with youtube then it's a problem cause it's not friends hanging out. It's youtubers hanging out but also leaving other youtubers out! if you're treating it like a gathering don't send email invites post a video and invite everyone or it's just being cruel.

Also subscribers obviously play alot into the whole Elite thing. Some people are driven by subscribers and that is why they are not doing youtube not for the main reason they were doing it in the first place! Alot of the most famous youtubers are only subscribed because others had subscribed to them. It's the whole: "Oh they're big on youtube I'll sub them then never watch their videos!" Subscribing to someone is not a trend like Pokemon cards! You sub someone because you enjoy their videos and what they have to say. Not just cause they are (or are in contact with) a big youtuber. I myself have suffered from this problem as someone I know who has posted two gathering videos and an apple store video has about three less subs than me for the plain reason: They are dating an Elite. I'm not driven by subscribers but I work hard on my videos and find it unfair that it should be undermined by a Youtube Hierachy at work.
The amount of Subscribers does not equal the amount that find you enjoyable and special. Who is the most subbed on youtube? Fred! And why? Because he's a joke. A bandwagon to jump on just like Chris Crocker and others who are watched cause they are known.

I'm not trying to be nasty or upset anyone. If you knew me you'd know I would never hurt someone of purpose but certain things have to be and SHOULD be said. What gives Elite members the right to ignore more miror youtubers at gatherings? Or to act as if they are better than the very people who are subscribed to them and have made them as big as they are. You're a huge sucsessful youtube? How much does that mean if you're a horrible, stuck up person to boot? AGAIN! The whole being a group of friends means nothing but acting as if we are nothing when we are YOU only a year or two later is shit! If this creates a shitload of backlash I don't care I just had to make my feeling known. I love being on youtube and I love the people on it but why should I have to sit back and see us be torn apart? That's all I will say on this topic I hope. And to the Elite members who think they ARE better: Get it sorted!
You Know You Love Me xoxo

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