Thursday 15 October 2009

A-Z Of Me!

- Available: Sure am. Care to change that? ;)
- Age: 18
- Annoyances: People who are just completely nasty for no reason, and up themselves people.
- Afternoons or mornings: Afternoons. I don't get out of bed till then :P

- Best Friend: Can't choose ^_^
- Beer: Bleugh
- Birthday: August 24th 1991
- Best month: July. Cause it's summer :D
- Best day: Saturdays.

- Crush: A few ;) :P
- Candy: Rainbow Drops
- Colour: Purple
- Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
- Criminal Record: You can't prove I set that fire!!...I speaka da english?
- Day or Night: Night
- Dream Vehicle: Purple Honda S2000
- Dream: Most of my dreams are really random! lol

- Easiest Person To Talk To: Julie O'brien <3
- Eggs: Scrambled. Or an omelette. Does that count?
- End of the line: I'm sure this train was on a track a minute ago....
- Everday Routine (briefly): I don't have one. I do things as they happen.

- First Crush: I have no clue. lol
- Fuck vs Feck: F*ck :P
- Fave piece of clothing: My Purple zebra hoodie. ^__^
- Fave song: It changes all the time. Right now it's Outta Here by Esmee Denters
- Future: What am I? A psychic? Or am I ;)

- Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Bears cause they're awesome. and they can have conversations.
- Giver or Taker: Give with a little take ;]
- Greatest moment in life: I can't really choose. Maybe when I went to Disneyland when I was 7.
- Gold or Silver: Silver

- Hair: In-between short and long. It's shorter than it was but I still have my emo fringe :P
- Happy: I try. It's harder sometimes, but my friends make me super happy :)
- Hat: I don't have a hat.
- Hugs: I hug everyone!! And sometimes if I haven't seen people in ages they run up and hug me and I almost fall over. ^__^

- Ice Cream: Phish Food. ^_^
- Instrument: Keyboard. Glockenspiel. Xylophone. voice and learning Ukulele.
- Is there anything you would tell yourself 3 years ago: Things won't always be this hard. oh and avoid a girl called Julie. She's insane :P (She's going to kill me for that)
- Invisible for a Day: Superhero!! and maybe invisible sex...that would be HOT!

- Jewellry : My gummy bands and DFTBA bracelet.
- Job: None.
- Jeans: Skinnys!

- Kids: I'm not sure, I want kids sometimes then other times I dn't know.
- King for the day: King Vampire? Yes please!

- Lie ins: Couldn't live without them
- Longest Car Ride: 2 and a half days. But we stopped at night.
- Life!: Is what it is.

- Milk Flavour: Strawberry. ^__^
- Music: I'll listen to mainly everything but rap and rave.
- Number Of Siblings: Three.
- Number : 24
- Note to self: Swerve the car when the children are crossing the road. :P

- One Wish: Not to be judged and hated for just being me.
- One Phobia: The dark.
- One song: Revenge Is Sweeter(Than You Ever Were) - The Veronicas
- One love: Will come along one day.

- Part Of Your Personality That You Like: I give everyone a chance and don't judge, and don't tell secrets that aren't mine to tell.
- Physical Feature on yourself you like: My eyes. They're really bright blue =)
- Physical Feature on opposite sex you like: I couldn't say :P

- Quick or Slow: Mostly slow.
- Queen for the day: I'm a boy you racist!

Reason 2 Smile : Friends.
Reason 2 Cry: Memories.
Rolos vs Refreshers: Rolos

Song You Last Heard: Trouble - P!nk
Song You Are Hearing: Keep Holding On - Glee Cast

- Tattoo: I want one of a star with a J inside on my wrist.
- Time Now: 13:42
- Time For Bed: I don't have one.
- Time of Birth: IDK
- Treat: Chocolate Tiffin. It's the best!!

- Useless: Miley Cyrus' career? :P
- Unusual: Is the way to be!
- Umbrella or hood: Walking in the rain with an Umbrella is fun. Hoods fuck up your hair.

- Vegetable You Hate: Tomatoes! And beetroot!
- Vegetable You Love: Potato.
- Vertigo: Sometimes.

- Worst Habits: Sometimes things come out wrong. And I bite my nails.
- Worst Day: Sundays
- Worst Person: I'm gonna have to agree with Julie and say Joseph Kony. Fucking Bastard!
- Worst thing you own: A Hannah Montana album....don't judge me I was young!
- Why?: Its Hannah Montana.

- X-Rays: None.
- Xylophone: I'm good at it but it's harder than glock.

- Year It Is Now: 2009
- Yellow: Lemonade! I miss Pink lemonade :(

- Zoo Animal: Monkeys
- Zodiac Sign: Virgo....make a virgin joke and I kill you!

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